19 September 2011

Dragon Age madness!!

Alrighty, since I have this weird problem with updating this thing on a regular basis, here's a nice BIG update to get everyone caught up :)

I'm so excited to report I FINALLY finished my Leliana costume from the Dragon Age Sacred Ashes trailer!!

Technically I had this finished a few months ago, but never got a proper photoshoot. My BFF from Michigan was in town and she just happens to be a photographer and snapped some awesome shots :) The rest can be seen here xavietta.deviantart.com

Oh! And one of the shots got featured on the official Dragon Age Facebook page :D That was a couple weeks ago so my 15 minutes of fame is well over, but it was cool while it lasted ^^

I've also been busy working on Dragon Age commissions and I just finished up belts and pouches for Bethany, Anders and Carver.

These were all for a wonderful lady I know only as Ros who's DA group at DragonCon was EPIC. You can see their amazing costumes (as well as my accessories in action) here ros1908.deviantart.com

And lastly I'm starting an order (the first of 2) for Isabela's armour :) and if I get some time I'll work on my OWN stuff, Merrill and my husbands Mage Hawke.

Stay tuned for updates, hopefully soon I get my costuming life back in the forefront where it belongs :)


  1. Your leather work is really good! I haven't made any armor that complicated yet, but I'm really inspired!

  2. (ah this is so delayed >_<) Thank you! Leliana was my first attempt at armour and at the time it was way out of my league. I'm glad I could inspire you! I'd love to see what you come up with! ^^
