25 April 2011

Getting Things Back on Their Tracks

The renaissance festival has passed, and I'm still trying to get over my first weekend off in 2 months. I didn't do anything crazy mind you, I just enjoyed it :)

Time seems to be evading me still and I haven't had a chance to really list anything on Etsy, I should have that remedied later this week though ^^

In cosplay news, hey I did this!

Pictured here are the arm and leg pieces for Merrill (and a leaf). The herringbone design was carved and stamped, all by hand and I dyed them brown then added some antique to darken it a bit. I still need to add the gold rings and straps, then wet-form them. I might do that sometime this week if time permits.

That's all for now, keep an eye our for more progress on Merrill, Mage Hawke (what??) and new stuff in my Etsy shop :)

Until next time readers, I recommend looking into a band called Florence + The Machine. I've been listening to their songs on repeat for 2 hours and it's amazing.