02 March 2011

One down, Seven to go!

Well, the first weekend of the festival is over, and as usual it was tons of fun! My new location seems to be working out quite well, though I only have one neighbor on one side...the other side is the privies! haha I made a good bit of money, especially considering it was the first weekend and I actually had enough stock to where I'm not scrambling all this week to make new things.

I already met an awesome lady for whom I might be making some armour ^^ she also agreed to draw me some concept art for armour in the future!! That said, I've been designing my own armour pieces the past few days and I have to say, it's a lot more trouble than I thought it would be lol I'm afraid it's going to just end up looking like a corset, so I'm being careful not to design it in a corsety way (if that makes sense)

I have a few more ideas up my sleeves and when I find something that works I'll definitely post pictures. Until then, send positive armour making energies my way!

1 comment:

  1. Enchanted by your work! I met you Saturday at the Renaissance Faire. Looking forward to seeing more and would love to see you have a FB page. I understand how that goes though!

    Interested particularly in masks and leather tops and want to have a top made when my budget allows!
