Sadly there aren't any pictures in this update :( but I AM having a sale at my Etsy shop, so maybe that'll make up for it ^^ If you enter the code Halloween15 upon checkout, you'll get 15% off your total :) yay coupons!!
I'm also hard at work on yet another Dragon Age commission, Isabela's armour from DA2. It's about halfway done, so I'll have some pix of that up soon.
And lastly, for Halloween my husband and I are dresing a Perseus and Medusa, respectively. I'm taking some creative liberty with his costume since in most historical representations Perseus is actually nude (to which my husband replied "that's OK, I'll just need a shield" lol)
Hope everyone's October is filled with lots of doughnuts, cider, fall colours and costumed fun ^^ By the way, what's everyone dressing as this year??