23 November 2009

Medieval Fair? Been there, done that :)

I just finished the second and final weekend of the Sarasota Medieval fair!! I had such a great time and met some EPIC people :) As far as money goes, well, I made back the cash I invested and a little profit; and I am stoked. I had so much fun meeting people, talking about the festival, gaming, leatherwork...not to mention camping overnight in the booth was a blast :) I'm not being sarcastic either, that was a lot of fun!

So now it's back to normal life. Sort of like after a convention, it's hard to adjust to the everyday routine again. I'm hoping my next festival will be the Bay Area Renaissance Festival in Tampa, Florida. We'll see ^^

12 November 2009

The Medieval Fair is finally here!

I've been working non-stop preparing for the festival I'm working at this weekend, the Sarasota Medieval Fair


Since it's my first time vending I had endless things to do, including building a tent and making a few thousand dollars worth of stock. I still need to fix up some last minute displays, but I'm pretty much ready. I hope I sell tons of stuff to compensate for all the time, energy, money and sanity I lost preparing for this thing O-o Wish me luck! And if you're in the Florida come to the festival and visit! :)

20 October 2009

Happy Halloween!

(almost) I've been thinking about Halloween for the last few months. Not only because, as a costumer, it's my favourite Holiday; but because I've have quite a few costume orders. This one I just finished today and I'm so excited about it!

If you don't recognize it, it's Selene from Underworld. I've been making the corset for a few years but this is the first COMPLETE costume I've gotten to make for someone ^^ Includes corset, cuffs, catsuit and holster.

12 October 2009

Half the feathers, all the epic

Between finishing up Halloween orders and re-stocking for the Medieval Fair, I took some time to list a few new items in my shop, including the barrette pictured above ^^

It's inspired by The Valkyries of Norse Mythology, mythical goddesses who took the spirits of slain warriors to Valhalla. I originally made a couple headdress, meaning the feathers were on both sides, but I could only find one set of these crazy feathers in those colours, so a barrette was formed :)

02 October 2009

I (sort of) have a job!!

I was casually checking my email while home in Michigan last week and I got my acceptance letter for the Sarasota Medieval Fair!! I get to have a booth to sell all this stuff I'm making ^^ Here's the official site for more info:


Speaking of which, I haven't had much time to list anything new at my Etsy shop, but I renewed some of the past listings, links to those are to the right :) Enjoy!

Now back to commissions and stocking up for the fair ^^

21 September 2009

Greetings From Michigan

I'm about 1/3 of the way through my vacation, having a blast visiting my family and I totally figured out how to add picture links to my Etsy shop! Hey, first time blogger here, that's a HUGE accomplishment :)

So there's no picture update for this post, but to the right are links to some items for sale :)

14 September 2009

In Between Vacations

I'm back from DragonCon, finally recovering and getting back to work :) (after a week and a half? yes. I was sick *cough* ) My latest projects revolve around Renaissance Festivals. I'm visiting home next week, attending the Michigan RenFest, and making costumes for my niece and nephew, as well as applying to the Sarasota Medieval Faire here in Florida as a vendor. Wish me luck!

Anyway I haven't had a lot of time for new projects, so here's a pic of a past piece. It's a leather and feather barrette currently for sale at my Etsy Shop:


Oh, and everything in my shop is discounted 10% from now until I get back from my vacation :)

03 September 2009

Under Construction, Overwhelmed

On the off chance that anyone's reading this, I'll explain why the page is so bare. I'm new to this, this whole "blogging" thing. I vowed I would never get a twitter account, but I suppose I never said anything about a blog...not that I can recall...

As I said, I'm new to this. I just opened an Etsy shop *cough*shameless plug*cough*


where the stuff (soon to be) pictured here is for sale. Frankly, I have no idea what I'm doing. I just spent 15 minutes trying to figure out how to upload a picture to my newly acquired DeviantArt account. Why did I decided to open 2 pages at once? I aim high ^^ I'm also attempting to upload a picture here as a preview of things to come. It's of an armband I made, currently for sale at my Etsy Shop...